
FREE Report:  7 Keys to Wake Up Your Sex Life Now and Forever

The Blog

Letting Ourselves Be Seen in Our Erotic Relationships

Whether biological or psychological, sexual familiarity lowers desire—and humans, like animals, thrive on novelty. Novelty gives us that exhilarating high. But does this mean we need something new, or do we need to reveal more of ourselves? Some people explore non-monogamy, but for many, deep connection comes from fully expressing ourselves within an existing relationship. A number of years ago, Esther Perel said something that

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Bored Couple

Beyond Boredom: Rediscovering Passion through Presence

Within the realm of consciousness lies a profound aspect of relationships, one that often goes unexplored—the issue of sexual boredom. It’s a common phenomenon, creeping into the lives of most couples as time passes. But why does it happen? Repetitive routines, low expectations, and mechanical interactions all contribute to losing the spark of creativity and engagement. We become prisoners of habit, following the same script

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Exploring the Erotic Portal as a Transformational Path

Are you ready to embark on a professional journey that delves deep into the potential for profound growth within long-term erotic relationships? Welcome to our Certificate Training in Mindful Couples Sex Therapy, where we invite you to join us on an odyssey through the realms of intimacy and pleasure. Discovering Beauty in Challenges: Igniting Your Erotic Vitality In our society, we see intimacy challenges as

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Mindful Sexuality Can Improve Your Sex Life!

“Sitting in circles with couples of different backgrounds, orientations, in ages has shown me that passionate sex is rare in long-term relationships. Many couples report that the real-life sex they are having is more often triggering or a routine. They feel deadended, inadequate, and lonely. I hear the same things in my sex therapy practice. Jerome and Keisha miss the magic they once made in the

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Bring New Life to Your Relationship with the RIL

By Karen Baikie, Ph.D   Rachel stirs in bed as she hears a familiar noise. Then, with a start, she’s sitting up. The clock says 2:19 am. Glancing over at her husband Craig, who is sound asleep, she raises her eyes to the ceiling, slips out of bed, and makes her way down the corridor towards the noise. Her four-year-old son Joe is sitting on

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Are You Ready to Begin Your Mindful Sex Journey?

You're in the right place.

Start with our Intro Retreat.

Intro Retreat


Gently “re-set” your erotic life — mindfully.