What is Passion and Presence?

No matter how much love or chemistry runs between you, your sex life will change over time. If you are unprepared for this, you may avoid sex or start blaming each other instead of understanding the mysterious ways life is growing you into your fuller self.

  • Passion and Presence offers a hopeful, compassionate and transformational way of working with the sexual issues that arise in all long-term relationships, not just troubled ones. Erotic challenges are seen as fertilizer for growth and connection, rather than impediments to “great sex.”
  • Passion & Presence offers professional training courses, couples retreats and webinars on mindful sexuality. Our core offering for couples is called “Awakening Intimacy for Couples”.

  • The cornerstone of Passion and Presence is Mindfulness, an ancient practice of bringing awareness to the present moment. Through a series of retreats, you will learn how to open to the experience that is unfolding between you right now. This transforms sex from a goal-driven activity into an alive and connected experience.
  • Passion and Presence starts with the premise that a strong alliance is required to openly express sexual desires and embrace erotic challenges as a team. You will learn to communicate with curiosity and compassion and to manage reactivity so you can share openly without fear of judgment and blame. You will also discover how erotic triggers, while sometimes unsettling, can be used to transform limiting beliefs, heal erotic wounds and resolve sexual impasses.
  • Passion & Presence is a lifelong practice of conscious awareness rather than a set of hands-on lovemaking techniques. You can rekindle your erotic life time and again by using mindfulness to enter a state of mind that is present, attuned and exploratory, even after being together for many years.



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